Master in Python Programming

Learn Python Programming

Learn Data Science Python Programming with CYBEX – School of IT Professionals (Pvt) Limited in Faisalabad. Our expert instructors will guide you through the fundamentals and advanced concepts of Python programming. The Programming course at CYBEX – School of IT Professionals (Pvt) Limited  is designed to provide learners with a strong foundation in the principles of data science and programming using Python. The data manipulation and analysis, data visualization, machine learning, and statistical modeling, all while using Python as the primary programming language. 

Data-science Python course in Faisalabad

Data key phrase that refers to the use of the programming language in the field of data science. It involves using libraries and frameworks to analyze and interpret large sets of data, create predictive models, and make data-driven decisions. Some possible related to data science and programming at Cybex Institute. 


Introduction to Python

  • History of Python and its features
  • Installing and setting up
  • Basic syntax and data types
  • Print statements and comments
  • Complex data, such as images, speech, or text.

Control Flow Statements

  • Classification, sentiment analysis
  • Language translation
  • If-else statements
  • For and while loops
  • Break and continue statements
  • Nested loops

Functions and Modules

  • Creating and calling functions
  • Parameters and return statements
  • Built-in functions
  • Modularity, and simplicity
  • Importing and using modules

Data Structures

  • Pandas, NumPy, or SciPy
  • Lists, tuples, and sets
  • Dictionaries and their methods
  • Accessing and manipulating data in data structures

File Handling

  • Reading and
  • Writing text files
  • Working with CSV and JSON files
  • Error handling with file operations

Object-Oriented Programming

  • OOP principles and concepts
  • Creating and using classes and objects
  • Inheritance and polymorphism
  • Class and object attributes and methods

Regular Expressions

  • Understanding regular expressions and their syntax
  • Using regular expressions for pattern matching and text Manipulation
  • Common regular expression functions

Advanced Concepts

  • Exception handling
  • Debugging techniques
  • Working with external libraries and APIs
  • Web scraping and data visualization using Python
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